What media depicts police as the "good guys"? Why?
How did we get to the point where the default "centrist" position is that police are good?
Guelph Police officers might soon be wearing body-cameras and participating in a more thorough de-escalation training. A letter from Guelph Police Chief Gordon Cobey on Tuesday laid out the steps Guelph Police would be taking in the future to...
I contend that you should consider that police are the direct result of a broken system that was built on violence meant specifically to divide our population along racial lines.This violence has hundreds of years of history going back to before...
[Clarification requested by U of G]: This Story was originally published on GuelphWire.ca on May 10th 2020 – images were added on June 13th 2020 to Defunct Mayhem. A report of an alleged physical assault by University of Guelph Campus...